54 research outputs found

    Privacy Preservation of Semantic Trajectory Databases using Query Auditing Techniques

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    ABSTRACT Existing approaches that publish anonymized spatiotemporal traces of mobile humans deal with the preservation of privacy operating under the assumption that most of the information in the original dataset can be disclosed without causing any privacy violation. However, an alternative strategy considers that data stays in-house to the hosting organization and privacy-preserving mobility data management systems are in charge of privacy-aware sharing of the mobility data. Furthermore, human trajectories are nowadays enriched with semantic information by using background geographic information and/or by user-provided data via location-based social media. This new type of representation of personal movements as sequences of places visited by a person during his/her movement poses even greater privacy violation threats. To facilitate privacy-aware sharing of mobility data, we design a semantic-aware MOD engine were all potential privacy breaches that may occur when answering a query, are prevented through an auditing mechanism. Moreover, in order to improve user friendliness and system functionality of the aforementioned engine, we propose Zoom-Out algorithm as a distinct component, whose objective is to modify the initial query that cannot be answered at first due to privacy violation, to the 'nearest' query that can be possibly answered with 'safety'

    Big Data Management and Analytics for Mobility Forecasting in datAcron

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    The exploitation of heterogeneous data sources offering very large historical and streaming data is important to increasing the accuracy of operations when analysing and predicting future states of moving entities (planes, vessels, etc.). This article presents the overall goals and big data challenges addressed by datAcron on big data analytics for time-critical mobility forecasting

    Optimal Time-dependent Sequenced Route Queries in Road Networks

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    In this paper we present an algorithm for optimal processing of time-dependent sequenced route queries in road networks, i.e., given a road network where the travel time over an edge is time-dependent and a given ordered list of categories of interest, we find the fastest route between an origin and destination that passes through a sequence of points of interest belonging to each of the specified categories of interest. For instance, considering a city road network at a given departure time, one can find the fastest route between one's work and his/her home, passing through a bank, a supermarket and a restaurant, in this order. The main contribution of our work is the consideration of the time dependency of the network, a realistic characteristic of urban road networks, which has not been considered previously when addressing the optimal sequenced route query. Our approach uses the A* search paradigm that is equipped with an admissible heuristic function, thus guaranteed to yield the optimal solution, along with a pruning scheme for further reducing the search space. In order to compare our proposal we extended a previously proposed solution aimed at non-time dependent sequenced route queries, enabling it to deal with the time-dependency. Our experiments using real and synthetic data sets have shown our proposed solution to be up to two orders of magnitude faster than the temporally extended previous solution.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures To be published as a short paper in the 23rd ACM SIGSPATIA

    SeTraStream: Semantic-Aware Trajectory Construction over Streaming Movement Data

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    Location data generated from GPS equipped moving objects are typically collected as streams of spatio-temporal (x,y,t) points that when put together form corresponding {\em trajectories}. Most existing studies focus on building ad-hoc querying, analysis, as well as data mining techniques on formed trajectories. As a prior step, trajectory construction is evidently necessary for mobility data processing and understanding -- including tasks like trajectory data cleaning, compression, and segmentation to identify semantic trajectory episodes like stops (e.g. while sitting and standing) and moves (while jogging, walking, driving etc). However, such methods in the current literature, are typically based on offline procedures, which is not sufficient for real life trajectory applications that rely on timely delivery of computed trajectories to serve real time query answers. Filling this gap, our paper proposes a platform, namely SeTraStream, for real-time semantic trajectory construction. Our online framework is capable of providing real-life trajectory data {\em cleaning}, {\em compression}, {\em segmentation} over streaming movement data

    Segmentation and sampling of moving object trajectories based on representativeness.

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    International audienceMoving Object Databases (MOD), although ubiquitous, still call for methods that will be able to understand, search, analyze, and browse their spatiotemporal content. In this paper, we propose a method for trajectory segmentation and sampling based on the representativeness of the (sub-)trajectories in the MOD. In order to find the most representative sub-trajectories, the following methodology is proposed. First, a novel global voting algorithm is performed, based on local density and trajectory similarity information. This method is applied for each segment of the trajectory, forming a local trajectory descriptor that represents line segment representativeness. The sequence of this descriptor over a trajectory gives the voting signal of the trajectory, where high values correspond to the most representative parts. Then, a novel segmentation algorithm is applied on this signal that automatically estimates the number of partitions and the partition borders, identifying homogenous partitions concerning their representativeness. Finally, a sampling method over the resulting segments yields the most representative sub-trajectories in the MOD. Our experimental results in synthetic and real MOD verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, also in comparison with other sampling techniques

    GF-Miner: a Genetic Fuzzy Classifier for Numerical Data

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    Abstract Fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms are well-established computational techniques that have been employed to deal with the problem of classification as this is presented in the context of data mining. Based on Fuzzy Miner which is a recently proposed state-of-the-art fuzzy rule based system for numerical data, in this paper we propose GF-Miner which is a genetic fuzzy classifier that improves Fuzzy Miner firstly by adopting a clustering method for succeeding a more natural fuzzy partitioning of the input space, and secondly by optimizing the resulting fuzzy if-then rules with the use of genetic algorithms. More specifically, the membership functions of the fuzzy partitioning are extracted in an unsupervised way by using the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, while the extracted rules are optimized in terms of the volume of the rulebase and the size of each rule, using two appropriately designed genetic algorithms. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated through an extensive experimental evaluation using the IRIS benchmark dataset

    On-the-fly mobility event detection over aircraft trajectories

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    We present an application framework that consumes streaming positions from a large fleet of flying aircrafts monitored in real time over a wide geographical area. Tailored for aviation surveillance, this online processing scheme only retains locations conveying salient mobility events along each flight, and annotates them as stop, change of speed, heading or altitude, etc. Such evolving trajectory synopses must keep in pace with the incoming raw streams so as to get incrementally annotated with minimal loss in accuracy. We also develop one-pass heuristics to eliminate inherent noise and provide reliable trajectory representations. Our prototype implementation on top of Apache Flink and Kafka has been tested against various real and synthetic datasets offering concrete evidence of its timeliness, scalability, and compression efficiency, with tolerable concessions to the quality of resulting trajectory approximations. K. Patroumpas, N. Pelekis, and Y. Theodoridis: "On-the-fly Mobility Event Detection over Aircraft Trajectories". In proceeding of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018), November 6 - 9, 2018 Seattle, Washington, USA Document type: Conference objec
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